
Hypnosis Is Simply A State of Deep Relaxation. Read Why!

The stereotypical image which comes to mind when thinking of hypnosis is where a person’s mind is being entirely controlled by another person to do their bidding – including, most famously, to act silly. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

Hypnosis is a state of deep relaxation, which allows individuals to reach their fullest potential through accessing their subconscious. Today we’re going to tell you about why this is.

It Happens to You All the Time

Many people aren’t aware that they’ve been under hypnosis, or in a hypnotic trance, hundreds or maybe even thousands of times in their life. Have you ever zoned out during a conversation and missed what the other person was saying? Or were driving down a familiar road only to realize you’re much further than you thought, and you can’t remember part of the journey? That is hypnosis. It is simply allowing the subconscious to take over.

Hypnosis Is About Subconscious Thinking

Contrary to widespread belief, hypnosis is not about losing the ability to think for yourself, but rather becoming more connected to your thoughts. Hypnosis is an intense focus which allows you to concentrate on one specific thought or issue at a time.

This is where the true power of hypnosis lays. The subconscious mind is powerful. Sitting in the backseat, so to speak, it absorbs information your conscious mind can’t handle. By tapping into the subconscious mind, you are tapping into this wealth of information.

Your Entire Body Becomes Relaxed

When entering a hypnotic trace, your entire body becomes lose and relaxed. You may feel a sense of heaviness or weightlessness. Either is entirely possible, and normal. Most people find it easier to enter a trance with their eyes closed, but the eyes can be open also.

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This relaxation is important, as it gives your mind the ability to use more functioning towards thought versus physical movement.

All Hypnosis Is Technically Self Hypnosis

Although hypnosis most often uses a partner, such as a trained hypnotherapist, it can only be done with your complete trust, focus, and dedication. You cannot be hypnotized without wanting to. It requires you wanting to change something at the subconscious level.

For example, you may choose to focus on eliminating beta male traits and incorporating alpha ones. Or you may focus on quitting smoking or alcohol.

No More Worries – Temporarily, Anyways

The hypnotic trance is a state where all your worries disappear for a while as your conscious mind shuts off for a few moments to allow the subconscious to take control. When you come out of your trance, you may be aware that you have worries, but they will seem smaller and less stressful once you’ve achieved a true break from them.

Hypnosis is just a state of deep relaxation which can greatly assist your mental health, by lowering stress levels and assisting in momentous changes that may otherwise prove difficult.  It is a powerful tool that everyone has, but few take advantage of.

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