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4 Health Issues CBD Helps to Treat

4 Health Issues CBD Helps to Treat

Given that CBD (cannabidiol) and cannabis products were legalized quite recently, most of their health benefits are still largely unexplored. However, there are specific issues that the cannabinoid has been shown to treat or help in managing, though the federal government hasn’t necessarily approved them. Here are four such conditions and how CBD works to reduce their symptoms:

1.    Epilepsy

Epilepsy is a disease typified by seizures, which are caused by inconsistent and unnatural activity in the brain. Most anti-seizure medications work by reducing excitatory nerve activity in the user’s brain. CBD may come in handy in managing seizures and other symptoms of epilepsy. While Epidolex is the only drug approved by the FDA for use in epilepsy treatment in the U.S., any CBD product that contains less than 0.3% THC can do the trick. These alternatives will save you some money, as most are more cost-effective than the FDA-approved product.

2.    Chronic pain

If you ask anyone, “What does CBD oil help with?” they will probably have chronic pain management as one of their answers. Chronic pain is a highly prevalent condition in the United States, and CBD oil has been found by many sufferers of the condition to be highly effective in managing their symptoms. CBD’s ability to moderate pain is what makes it a favorite for post-workout recovery among gym-goers. The best thing about CBD oil is that it barely induces side effects and can fit into any existing chronic pain management routine. If you are taking certain medications, you can use CBD oil without affecting its potency or having to change your dosage. You should, however, seek advice from a CBD expert on how to take the product for maximum effectiveness.

3.    PTSD

PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) is a condition that affects millions of Americans. PTSD often manifests as anxiety but is aggravated by specific events or memories. The sufferer may experience nightmares, sleep disturbances, panic attacks, and daytime sleepiness.

There are medications for this, but if you are looking for a cheaper, side-effect-free alternative, CBD might be the solution for you. Anecdotal evidence shows that most PTSD symptoms subside in the presence of cannabidiol. The cannabis compound works on the human endocannabinoid system to alter various functions including, mood and anxiety. You may want to have your CBD formula at the ready if your symptoms hit without warning.

4.    Insomnia

People with insomnia may suffer challenges such as struggling to fall asleep or not receiving irregular sleep cycles. However, some research suggests that CBD may serve as a sleep aid for people who suffer these symptoms. Cannabidiol is believed to regulate cortisol levels — a stress-inducing hormone that peaks when one wakes up. For insomniacs, the hormone is released even at night, increasing wakefulness and affecting sleep quality. CBD lowers cortisol levels and eliminates any insomnia that arises as a result of the hormone


No matter the condition you have, CBD is worth trying as there is a near-zero chance of experiencing adverse effects. Make sure to follow an expert’s guide to get the most out of your CBD consumption.


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