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Game of Thrones - The Finale | Season 8 Episode 6

Game of Thrones – The Finale | Season 8 Episode 6

Game of Thrones – The Finale Episode Thus, our song of ice and fire has ended in an elective monarchy and extended council meetings! Daenerys was glowing and completely in her element and sports, the stunning looks with her leather dictator clothes. She is giving fiery speeches in front of the burnt out shell of the Red Keep. This woman has transformed into a Queen from the wide-eyed innocent who stood before the Illyrio Mopatis house in Pentos in all these years. In the finale, the lady is a completely different person. And the thing is evident so suspiciously and abruptly that Jon, Tyrion and the other crew are just freaked out by her.

Game of Thrones -The final Episode
Game of Thrones -The final Episode

However, it seems that Jon is not as taken aback as he ought to be. Tyrion who was overpowered by Dany while freeing Jamie tries to get things through Jon’s ears, as he says Dany is turned based. She has roasted thousands of people. Though this kind of fascist ring is characteristic of fire and she is absolutely grinding the things to the ground.

Jon, a gifted man, takes an unusually long time for breaking things out of his head by s tying She’s the queen.  By the time, Jon gets what Tyrion putting it to out to him, it seems like Jon and Tyrion have grown their weary beards by an inch or two.

Game of Thrones
Game of Thrones

The Game of Thrones finale was the most watched HBO

Simultaneously Daenerys Stormborn, the First in Her name, queen of Andals, and first men and the Protector of Seven Kingdoms alongside their jazz enters the room of thrones. Thus, fulfilling the eight seasons fo prophecy, mission and vision by ultimately touching the pointy chair.

The arrival of the despondent Jon Snow could not dim her moment in the ashed out sun. Dany makes an attempt for convincing him that genocide was an actually fair thing and it’s only her perspective on the matter which counts. And she goes on further to point out that people In king’s landing was in any way jerks.

The Finale Episode
The Finale Episode

Suddenly it seemed that things have worked out. They are seen to embrace and kiss. And then Jon uses his dagger and stabs her in the chest to kill her. So, here to daggers have lived up to their reputation of being MVP of the major character killings. Both The Night King and Daenerys are going to have a lot to reflect upon in the afterlife. “I had a dragon. You had scores of zombie dead people to do your bidding.”

Games of Thrones | Season 8 Episode 6

Maybe, you weren’t yet out of the shock of Dany’s weird anticlimactic end, you would be even more out of mind with Dragon’s work if he went berserk to set alight his mother’s killer. Actually, Dragon just wastes the Iron Throne. It’s a matter of wondering whether he is able to realize that the final plight of his mother Daenerys is her obsession with the Iron Throne. Thus, the point of her death did not actually lie with Jon Snow but her own conceit and the object, which it nurtured. However, it was nice to see that the dragon had a sense of poetic justice.

Game of Throne
Game of Throne

The Dragon is completely done with humanity and highly grief-stricken. He scoops up her dead body and files away like she was a baton in a relay race. This is the end of it. There are no more dragons and no more war either. This is the death of the game of throne – The Finale! But there is more of the story to be narrated with the game of sensible and neatly arranged chairs in the next 50 minutes.

What Follows

After Daenerys dies, Unsullied locks Jon together with Tyrion and people are wandering around without a regent. The remaining heads of the great houses reach out to the dragon pit for the council meeting. Astonishingly, Robin Arryn arrives back from his journey to Pubertyos alongside Edmund Tully. Much to the amazement of us all as we imagined him being dead by now! There are complete tension and drama in this briskly hosted board meeting. All of them are agreed on the point that Westeros needs a ruler but how do they elect one? The speech by Tyrion who is technically still a prisoner convinces everyone that Bran is the most worthy candidates for the same.

Sansa, realizing her worth opts of this mess and asserts the North as a separate kingdom and gets king brans’ blessings. There are six kingdoms. With reluctance and obligation, Bran asks Tyrion to be his Hand of the King.

Game of Throne
Game of Throne

Jon is sent to Night’s Watch as the remaining forces of Grey Worm’s and Daenerys’s demand justice for their killing. They imagine that they are sending him back to hell. Starks go their separate and satisfying ways. Arya sets off sail on the S.S. Spinoff to discover what’s on the west of Westeros. Jon gets reunited with Tormund and returns to the lad behind the wall and pets ghost.

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To see the complete finale with Tyrion arranging the chairs at the triumphant shot at dawn for the first council meeting of the new era. Brown is here to make King Bran nervous and Brienne is there too as the head of the Kingsguard. Sam is the new master and presents Tyrion with the book, “A Song of Ice and Fire” before looking into the camera, which then dances out of frame.

So, now the world of Westeros, the Starks and Lannisters is gone forever but after leaving their ringing memories!


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